I joined Sitara on 3rd March 2011. I have been part of Sitara for more than 10 years. Alhamdulilah.
One of my friends introduced me to Sitara and I joined it. Allah selected me for the Sitara kids!

Sitara School means a lot to me. It filled my empty life with love and took me closer to Allah (SWT) and humanity .
I appreciate Sitara with my heart and soul and I also appreciate my family members, who not only supported me to run the school system, but also each member of my family performed their own role in a hidden way.
I have devoted my life to Sitara. In 10 years I had many ups and downs and many better opportunities, but I could not part my ways from Sitara School.

Most of our beginners are now studying in colleges or in high schools and credit for that goes to this school.
In all these years I have received lots of love ,prayers and respect from students, parents and community ,and that is the great achievement of my life.