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Alhamdulilah, our efforts have paid off. We’ve seen a huge change in parents' attitudes towards educating their daughters. This year, all of our tenth grade graduating girls have gone on to first year programs! That is a spectacular achievement in a country where most girls sit home and wait for marriage once they’ve reach 10th, 8th or even 5th grade. 

Our Mother Child Center provides sewing classes for women. With a certificate in sewing women can supplement their family incomes. We have also established a bi weekly dars (religious education) program on Saturdays. These hard-working mothers really enjoy a bit of time away from home just to sit and be at peace, Alhamdulilah.

This year, we had our first Breast Cancer Awareness event, in partnership with Shifa Foundation, a local hospital. The focus on women's health was ground-breaking in this impoverished community. We were also able to use the resource materials provided by Shifa to give our high school girls their first lessons in self-care. Such changes can help save lives!


Sommieh's Presentation, in windsor Canada, about SMCC and how it is changing lives of local Afghan refugee women and children.

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